Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Walking Around Old Town - Part 1

When I travel I love to walk around so I get to see the places and the people. Old Town Alexandria was not an exception... It's small and has all the charm of DC in every single building.

 Alexandria Courthouse

One of the things that called my attention was that historic building have a plaque that categorizes them as historical and even have a serial number for them. House and buildings alike are very well taken care of and you can tell that everyone takes pride in them so they like to keep them as neat as possible.

Historical plaques at the entrance houses

Office building

This is another place around DC that next time you visit of it you visit for the first, must be on your To-Do list because of it's rich history and great food.

Building of the local government


  1. Beautiful buildings. I can see how you enjoy your walks. Very nice. xo

  2. Looks very classic American to me! Thanks for coming by and leaving a good advice! :) XXX

  3. Oh, I wish I knew you were visiting....not too far from Old town! Beautiful little village on the water, so glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Love all these architectural pictures, so great!

  5. I have to say, as a Northern VA/DC girl, I'm so glad you picked Old Town! It is absolutely one of my favorite places to go in the area!

  6. Those arches are beautiful. I love DC

  7. thanks for the comment! And I love your photos of the DC area...I live in Baltimore and travel down to DC every chance I can get. Beautiful.

  8. what lovely photos! have i mentioned that i LOVE the name of your blog, by the way?

  9. working in that office building would be so fun - windows, non-sterile feeling, and I think it's the fact that the sun is shining that really gets me, lol

  10. i love the picture of the office buildings! so modern!

  11. Beautiful photos! I love old in Italy they think buildings that are 100 years old are "new." haha

    Hope you are having a great week!

  12. I love these photos. It is exactly what I like to do while traveling, you can get such a feeling from the buildings. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Hope you'll stay a while.

  13. My brother went to Georgetown for college, and when I'd visit him, I'd take strolls around that area. It was one of my favorite things to do, and your photos take me right back to that place in time. So lovely.

  14. I love Old Town Alexandria. It's such a pretty place, isn't it?

  15. Lovely photos! Can't wait for Part 2 !

  16. Girl, do you ever take a bad picture? I can always count on your blog to have the best photos!!

  17. I said it once and I'll say it forever... I love old town Alexandria. It's probably my most favorite part about the DC/Virginia area.

  18. Drove by it never stopped to check it out....I will need to next time. Thanks for the wonderful photos :)

  19. Pretty photos!

    And I can see why you would be partial to the Miami poster. :)

    Nice to meet you!

  20. Very lovely photos! It looks like a nice day out too! =)

  21. It's so funny seeing pictures of my backyard. We love just walking around Old Town. We've lived here for a few years now and we never tire of it. These are wonderful photos!

  22. Hello! Thank you so much for your comments on my blog. I'm loving these shots of DC. We are heading there (first time for me) in the summer, and you'll have to give me a designers must see list.

  23. Lovely photos! I love charming little towns like this, and I've been planning to visit Old Town next time we're near DC.
