Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Busy Day

This morning I woke up early to start getting ready to get my day going as I have a pretty hectic one... the funniest thing of the morning was a phone call I received from my sister who after dropping off her kids at school, stopped by Target and to both our surprises at 9am there was people already leaving with bags full of the Missoni collection... Seriously!!!

This morning I'm running around like crazy but if you venture to go and check out the collection let me know to see if I can do it myself...

Have a great day and have some fun!!!


  1. I placed an order online this morning (I don't want to even venture to the stores) and apparently now the site is completely down. I'm so glad I got the things I really wanted, people are already putting the items on eBay at exorbitant prices.


  2. I hear people have been at the door just waiting to get in. It's crazy!

  3. I am so excited to go check out the collection later today - I have been anticipating this collection for so long now!
    Much love,

  4. i'm not all too familiar with the brand, but can't wait to check it out!

  5. i'm right there with you, running around crazy! ooo life! it keeps us on our toes

  6. Definitely a crazy day for me, and I'm guessing no Missoni! Hope the day goes as smoothly as those hectic ones can!

  7. OH! thanks for the reminder...I'm dying to go to Target and snatch up some Missoni! :D

  8. Im going to have to head over to their site & check it out :)

  9. it's target! oh my gosh, that is funny :)

  10. Oh my freaking gosh. I need to get to Target ASAP!!

  11. now i gotta get on over to target asap! thank you for the reminder, i just love missoni! hope your tuesday is just grand!! ;) ;)
    xx ~ ks

  12. I tried getting online all day and I couldn't, of course. Ugh. I guess I'll try my luck whenever I do make it to the store.

  13. eBay is probably the best bet-most of the prices are unreal, but there are some online resellers that have the prices at least reasonable.


    Erin @ http://www.trufflesnruffles.com/

  14. I didn't even try to hit up Target tonight. I knew that it would be insane!

    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  15. I got a pillow and a some boxes for myself. xoxo

  16. i love all of the colors and prints of missoni. so glad they're a target. and hope your busy day is good :)

  17. i am 3am most mornings...what is that 7am your time? 6am....and by four am, my typically grumpy bean girlies were texting galore about the online issues they already were having and the lines starting to form at the local target. thank goodness, missoni does not work on these thighs.
    keep us updated on your adventures.

  18. I have caught a cold so I didn't make it to the missoni line at target. It was buzzing on twitter today, my friends who went said the selection was picked over and the quality was so/so. I may try to snag a few things online, if only the site would stop crashing!

  19. just saw the missoni x target collaboration on e news! looks awesome! x


  20. i went to the store at 9:30am and there were no clothes left! the racks were empty. i couldn't believe it. luckily i bought some stuff online (though things kept disappearing from my cart while i was buying other things) and my mom got me some things down in her area, which was not nearly as crazy as my area!


  21. i heard all about the target missoni craze today! did you end up getting anything?!!


  22. I stopped by Target at lunch today, and there was nothing left. It was complete madness.


  23. I wanted to get to Target today, but couldn't! I'll try tomorrow, but I am really not expecting to find anything left. Everything I see about Target today is about how anything Missoni is sold out. :(

  24. I just didn't have the time today -- SOOOO sad about it!
    xo Josie

  25. funny story, missoni are onto a winner with this one.

  26. ha, ha, the frenzy has begun :)

  27. I believe I read something about this somewhere on the net -- but I don't have a Target within 50 miles, so likely not going to be stopping by... :)

  28. Im like this most of the days.... I hope you can make it all!



  29. Sigh I got all the way to checkout and the site froze. Sigh, I guess I'll just have to enjoy Missoni for Target goodies from afar!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  30. Those are some serious Missoni fans. I get it, though I'll be waiting to take a look at the collection in person.

  31. Couldn't get there, but sounds like it was absolute chaos!!

  32. It is crazy. I went there today -- NOTHING left, unless you have size 11 feet (even then, only 2 pairs left) or have a baby. I did get the last children's size L sweater vest and plan to squeeze myself into it!

  33. Yep, I was there at like 8:05 and I never even got to see most of the bedding, pillows, throws...it was complete insanity! But I'm pretty sure that everyone has been saying that is because it's all on ebay for 3x what they bought it for at Tar-jay...darn you, ebayers! I really did want one of those gorgeous fleece throws, but for $150+...they can keep it! INSANITY, I tell you!

  34. My Target was sold out of EVERYTHING when I got there at noon, and online was down and now they are sold out too. :( I hope they restock soon!

    Gordon Gossip
