Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday to Remember

Today I'd like to pay tribute to everyone who was affected by the terrorist attacks of 9/11

Image Credit

This flag is the memorial flag that will be flown both at the memorial and at the state capital. The stars represent the people on the United flight 93, the the five sided figure represents the pentagon and at the center the Twin Towers represent the many lives lost.

In a time where uncertainty has put a black cloud over us we need to remember that as human beings we are capable of great things and that we have to strive always to do good not just for us but for others as well.

May you have a fantastic weekend!!!

PS... will post the week's links over the weekend!


  1. Well said. I haven't seen the flag and am glad you posted it. Thank you.

  2. This is the first time I've seen the flag. What does the NYS stand for?

    I can't believe it's been 10 years already. I still remember exactly where I was when it I'm sure everyone does.

  3. Thanks for posting the flag and it's a good weekend to reflect!

  4. Thanks for posting this. I was already in tears this morning watching the TV coverage. It brings you right back to that day. The nice thing is that my bedroom window which used to have a gorgeous view of the towers now has a view of the Freedom Tower. It's been nice to see it go up. Finally something is rising from there.

    Have a great weekend, sweetie! xoxo

  5. I watched the children of 9/11 the other night. So sad but we can never forget.

  6. Wonderful tribute. I can't believe it has been ten years...

  7. very true and words to be remembered! be safe lovely and wishing you a quiet weekend! xoxo

  8. This is a lovely tribute to remember that time. 10

  9. nicely put. i can't believe it's been 10 years already....

  10. Yes it is sad to know humans are capable of being so ruthless. It is a really nice tribute.

  11. well put and the flag does a great job in remembrance.

  12. Still so fresh in our minds and it's been a decade already.

  13. I'll never forget that day, I was a Junior in Undergrad working out at the gym and remember seeing that airplane flying straight through the twin towers. Our nation has never been the same since then, and while it has been a decade, it still feels like it was yesterday.

  14. thank you for such a heart felt post its a day that will never be forgotten & my heart goes out to all those affected

  15. So glad you put that tribute up. So many friends and I have that moment marked indelibly in our memories. We were NYers at that time and it felt like a collective, traumatic experience we all went through together.

  16. I will never forget that day and the tragedy that ensued. Such a traumatic time in so many peoples lives. Lest we forget xx

  17. Hi again.
    Its been a long time...

    Hope you had a lovely weekend as well...


  18. RESPECT. Great that you posted the flag!

  19. lovely tribute, such a thoughtful post...
    i have never seen the flag before actually;
    xo sandra

  20. very touching tribute. i love how meaningful that flag is, gosh i remember that day and how it felt as though all those souls were swirling the earth during its horrific happenings. my prayers are with all the families who lost someone they loved.

    thanks very much for visiting me, wishing you a peaceful Sunday! ♥

  21. This date will always be a painful symbol... we all remember that day!

  22. yes, i saw this flag and i was recently in NY so it's been something to remember. thanks for this great post!

  23. Great post - a really thoughtful meditation.

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  24. That picture really encapsulated the key things we shouldn't forget about that day. We shoul always remember and appreciate life!

    Chic 'n Cheap Living

  25. Beautiful tribute post! xo style, she wrote

  26. Beautiful tribute, my dear. It's so important to remember.
    xo Josie

  27. Wonderful tribute!! Such a sad day for all,good to remember such a sad day, I pray it never happens again!! xx

  28. So sobering to watch the memorial services this weekend. Thanks for the great reminder and for the comments on my blog.

    Gordon Gossip

  29. A beautiful and thoughtful tribute!

    Camila Faria
