Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello September!

As the last days of summer are fast approaching I cannot help but think that throughout my professional career September was always the month that would bring a the summer lull to an end and the pace of activities would go back to normal. So, definitely I'm looking forward to a "reactivation" of normal life and business to be back "as usual"... Looking forward also to that much desired job offer to come around this month {thinking positive thoughts!}

One event I'm looking forward this month is Fashion's Night Out next Thursday. I love this event not just for how much fun it is but also because in time where our economy is so volatile this is a great effort to help it and contribute to boost the confidence of everyone out there.

So it looks like NY it is for the B-Day celebration {it's on a Friday this year!!!} and I can't wait to go and see the progress on the construction of the 9/11 memorial and new building complex. So, as much as I hate to remember that day and how bad it was I want to pay tribute today for the rest of the month to all of those affected by the events of that day.

I know many of you in the US will be heading out today for the last of the "official summer" long weekends so I wish you a lot of fun and the rest of you I'll see you tomorrow with this week's links...

Have a good one!


  1. Fun that you get to celebrate your birthday in NYC! I am so sad that summer is coming to a close - but hoping to soak up the last little bits of it this weekend!
    Much love,

  2. You have such a fun life in NYC! And don't worry- a job is coming for you!!!

  3. Oh, NYC sounds like a wonderful place to celebrate! Enjoy the weekend, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a divine job offer!

  4. Have an amazing time at FNO, darling!
    I miss NYC so much!


  5. yay nyc!! i haven't been there since my high school senior class trip, back before 9/11 {we toured the top of one of the towers}. so yeah, that was a long time ago. i would LOVE to go back now that i'm an adult {and a city girl} to explore and see some of my dear friends there. someday! i hope you have an absolute blast!

  6. I belong at NYFW. I don't know why I haven't been invited yet ....
    I need to go to NYC sometime. I feel like I belong there!
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. Good luck with that job offer! I'll be rooting for you!

    Camila Faria

  8. We're so excited for FNO next Thursday too! Can't wait. xo style, she wrote

  9. oh what a grand time! nyc on fno!!!
    happy early birthday!!

  10. I'd love to visit NYC! Never been :(

    Have a fantastic weekend!!

  11. YAY! NY! Be sure to visit Laduree on Madison, between 71 and 70th!

  12. come to my boutique for FNO!!


  13. Enjoy your long weekend--I know I will, although I have guests descending so things are a bit hectic with a giant clean up in progress here--haha! See you back here next week!

    xo Mary Jo

  14. Have a great weekend! Love the pictures you've posted!


  15. I lovely, I like your blog!!!
    Maybe we can follow each other?
    Besos, desde España, Marcela

  16. I'm really looking forward to FNO in Dublin!
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog :)

    Laura x

  17. I hope you have a great summer weekend! And good luck with the job, I'm sure everything will work out!

  18. Have an amazing Birthday!! :) :)

    And thank you for your lovely comment! I hope you visit again.

    <3 Kelly

  19. i would love to visit new york again and see the 9/11 memorial! i hope you had a great weekend!

    <3, Mimi
    $25 Apothica gift card giveaway :)

  20. What a fabulous day! Hope you enjoyed it! Kellie xx
