Monday, August 6, 2012

Infused Oils

One of those great things essential in every restaurant kitchen is infused oils. Chefs use them to add flavor to a dish before sending out to the floor but they also use for decoration like is the case of that basil flavored oil swirl on the tomato soup you had on last Saturday's night dinner.

If you plan to make your own oils there are a few things you need to know. You can use almost any type of oil but the most commonly used are canola oil, it has a neutral flavor allowing only the aromatics to show; or olive oil, it has added strength and is enhanced by whatever herbs or spices you add to it.

For safety measures make sure the container where you are putting your oils is not only clean but completely dry as water can harbor bacteria that can spoil the oil. If you are using fresh herbs or garlic place your oil in the refrigerator because the water in them changes the ph of the oil, and this spoils it in no time or grow bacteria.

Some recipes call for you to heat the oil in the oven {see recipe HERE} and other to do it on the stove. My personal favorite is on the stove because it can control the process much better and enjoy the smell of the oils as they start to adsorb their new flavors {stove top recipes HERE, HERE and HERE}.

These types of oils are perfect for dipping bread so on your next party you can have an array of different oils for your guests to taste, or you can just simple use it {like a real chef does} to add flavor before you serve a salad or any type of meat. One last thing, don't use these to cook, saute or fry as they become bitter with extreme heat.

Have a great day!


  1. that would be such a fun gift too..

  2. So lovely. The chili one looks interesting. Have a great week x

  3. I ADORE infused oils specially chili and truffle oil.

  4. It's nice to read about healthy eating and good products! Thanks for posting!



  5. Infused oils are so pretty for decoration around the kitchen

  6. Love infused oils, especially over pasta and salads, haven't made my own before so thanks for the tips and links.

  7. I love dipping bread in oil. So yummy. My mom makes a great garlic oil. I'll have to share her recipe sometime too.

    This post really has me wanting to infuse some rosemary in oil. I've got some rosemary growing and I might as well put it to good use.

    P.S. What great gifts this would make!! :)

  8. yum! and so pretty too! a great share. though I've never done it, I didn't know that they get bitter on heating.

  9. Mmm flavored oils are the best! These would make a great hostess gift (mmm fresh bread and oil!)

    I've switched blog sites and hope you can stop by when you get a chance!

    <a href=">Chic 'n Cheap Living</a>

  10. i love those bottles!

  11. Thx for the tip about not cooking with these oils! I just purchased a little mini set of infused oils last weekend (basil, habenero and mint). Now, I'll just use them as finishing touches.

    Quiet Luxury

  12. I am eating a piece of bread as I read this and I'm so wishing I had some delicious oil to dip it in. I've always wanted to infused oils. Actually I've always wanted to soak random things in liquor too. Maybe this would be a good project while Js away ;) xoxo

  13. This will be such a fun gift - I have it all planned out! Thanks chica!

  14. YUM–and Amy's right, these would make fabulous gifts!

  15. I have two containers so far, one filled with spicy olive oil, with lots of chillies, the other with rosemary =) But I'm always thinking about other herbs that would work great as well! First I'll have to buy new containers though xD

    Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! I appreciate it!
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    My Own Project

  16. Since I don't cook, I must say that I love seeing the infused oils as decorations. They are so simple, yet so beautiful at the same time.

  17. I love infused oils--thanks for the inspiration Elie! hope you are having a wonderful Monday!

    xo Mary Jo

  18. Such a cool subject! And thanks for the recipes, I will definitely give it a go! Xoxo

  19. A friend just gave me three different types of infused oils that she made. They are amazing! I'm savoring them and have it with my brad and some salt in the mornings. So delicious. They make such a wonderful and thoughtful gift.

  20. some rosemary infused olive oil and crusty bread to dip would be so perfect!! i must find some to buy for dinner.

  21. Oooh looove this post! This would make a great gift idea. I am pinning it to do in the future!
    Thanks for sharing!


  22. I love something pretty and edible ;) Hehe


  23. very interesting! i've never tried making my own oils. i've always bought them. so many uses for them. nice post.

  24. looks yummy! ive havent made any oils but i will keep this in mind

  25. Not only does it taste fabulous, but it looks very pretty as well! I'm inspired to try making my own now - thanks!

  26. I really need to start making some infused oils myself. They just make a meal feel that much more expensive and indulgent. I tend to be so simple with my flavors lately. I don't add much. But this would be such an easy way to change things up a bit.
